Freelance designer, grad student, and fellow Portland Institute for Contemporary Art design alum Mallary Wilson joins Sean to talk inadvertently inappropriate imagery, erasers shaped like food items, and hoarding AOL hours. It’s an episode that’s unforgivably uncool, but we can dig it!
You can find Mallary on the web at or @mallarydesigns on Instagram—if you work at an agency and are looking for somebody killer to bring onto your team, reach out!
If you’re wondering what the heck we’re talking about with regards to PICA and TBA and all, that, check out—those around Portland may know them for their annual Time-Based Art (TBA) Festival, which will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. It is a weird, good time, and brings parts of the artistic globe to Portland you might never see otherwise.
Did I Do That? is a podcast about graphic designers—the ups and downs they face in creative practice, because making design means making lots (and lots) of mistakes.
Every other Thursday, host Sean Schumacher (Ass’t Professor of Graphic Design at Portland State University) is joined by a designer guest with a story about their own mistakes starting out and how they ended up where they did. It’s very weird, pretty silly, and definitely not serious—but neither are designers.