Making Mistakes ConfessionalMaking Mistakes Confessional

Making Mistakes Confessional

As both Season 3 and 2023 draw to a close, the time to seek forgiveness is at hand! Earlier this year on one of the hottest days Portland has had in years, Did I Do That? set up a confessional booth—with Sean playing the role as part priest, part Frasier Crane—to collect true stories of design disasters, missteps, failures, and more from anonymous guests who sought to clear their guilty consciences.

How can you find peace when faced with cross crossworders, ghost(ed) cookbooks, and duck pornography? There’s only one way to find out!

(To be clear: the way is listening; you must listen to find out.)


If you have a live event and want me to set up another design confessional for it, either in Portland or beyond, let’s talk! I’d love to do more events like this in the future.


The clips used in this episode were collected as part of “Future Fonts and Friends,” a party held for TypeCon 2023 at Outlet in Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, August 17, 2023. All guests were indeed anonymous, and so if you hear any familiar voices, I guess just ignore that? Come to think of it, what do real priests do about that problem?!

Huge thanks to past guest Lizy Gershenzhon and Travis Kochel of Future Fonts for inviting me to be a part of the event, and to my 2023 MVP Orion Cortez for building the confessional booths based solely on my terrible sketch and three blurry JPEGs.

Additional thanks to past guest Kate Bingaman-Burt of Outlet for her eternal support of / patience with me just in general, but especially the white-hot ball of stress that is me when faced with a live event, and to the kind folks at Jolby—who didn’t even have anything to do with the party and had no reason to help me!—for letting me steal power from them for a couple of hours just because I happened to set up next to their studio.


I want to all of you listeners out there for keeping this show going and growing. This marks the end of both our third season and second year, and I don’t think I ever would have imagined there would be as many folks out there following it as there are around the world.

  • If you have some nice things to say about what this project means to you, please send me an email! If you have mean things to say about me, please relay them to your dentist while they have their hands in your mouth—they’ll understand and relay them directly back to me, I’m sure.
  • I don’t ordinarily plug the tip jar, but if you have some change between your couch cushions you want to throw my way, I would really appreciate it. Even though I record at Portland State, that’s the only support I receive from the institution for this project: from paying guests to buying equipment, I produce this show entirely out my own pocket and on my own time, and that’s something that’s unfortunately only getting harder with each passing year.
  • If you’ve enjoyed the first two years of this show, please tell a friend! I want to keep this project growing, and the community around it growing as well.
  • Too, I’d also appreciate any five star reviews and ratings on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, as well as any subscriptions to our YouTube channel—getting to 1,000 subscribers on there, which is very possible with the number of listeners we have on other platforms, would help the financial future of this project A TON, and help shore up that platform for some interesting new ideas I have for 2024 and beyond.
Dec 14, 2023
Making Mistakes: A Newsletter from Did I Do That?
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