It’s nearly March 2022, which means it’s time for the last episode recorded in 2021, and it’s one that starts pretty real and raw before it turns into cookie shoptalk and the usual nonsense. Brendan Mulligan (Nike Tees Graphics and @coolkidbrendan) joins Sean to talk about what they want on their Tombstones, sneeze guards, and the nightmarish realm that is the McDonald’s Play Place. What even is design? We’re just talking about specific pastry vendors at the Portland State University Saturday farmers market now. Serenity now!
Did I Do That? is a podcast about graphic designers—the ups and downs they face in creative practice, because making design means making lots (and lots) of mistakes.
Every other Thursday, host Sean Schumacher (Ass’t Professor of Graphic Design at Portland State University) is joined by a designer guest with a story about their own mistakes starting out and how they ended up where they did. It’s very weird, pretty silly, and definitely not serious—but neither are designers.