What Could Go Wrong? (with Emily Tate)What Could Go Wrong? (with Emily Tate)

What Could Go Wrong?

Emily Tate

Emily Tate (Senior Digital Art Director for Studio A at Adidas) joins Sean to talk about America’s most frightening college mascot, disinterested dogs, and William Shatner's Pandora surprise.

You can find Emily’s work on her portfolio work, emilytatedesign.com. You can see more of her design work and giver her a follow on Instagram at instagram.com/emilytatedesign. In addition to Adidas.com, you can also still see Emily’s work on the Burgerville small dip packages—go get some with your next burger!

This episode was recorded on Saturday, November 11, 2023. As I mention towards the end of this episode, this is our first recording in a new studio space, which does have some electrical interference, echo, and outside sound bleed issues long since solved in our other space. I’ve done my best to mitigate all of these in post-production, but apologies if you do pick up on any buzz, reverb, or street noise!

Nov 16, 2023
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